Friday, July 20, 2012


Day 10

 Zara challenges the participants to find a way to make CELA sustainable and ways to effectively fund raise.


The participants are a bit tired at this stage of the program!

Participants and facilitators alike brainstorm ways to approach this challenging task.

CELA can always count on Steve for a smile, even during the most difficult sessions!

 Bakai and Khatuna exchange ideas how to use paper clip.

The lovely Mary oversees the discussions.

Osman is a deep thinker!

Rashad and his team have a great idea!

Which they are now sharing with the group.

Sandro also has ideas of how to fund raise for CELA.

Watching the teamwork during this exercise was truly inspirational!

Aliya takes a crack at the task at hand.

Each group had fantastic ideas!

In addition to talking, these great leaders took the time to listen to board.

 Makrita has arrived!

The facilitators also got into the discussion.

Bill presents Martha with a gift.

Makrita and Shelby's hands probably hurt after signing so many certificates for our marvelous participants!

The CELA certificates symbolize all the hard work done by the participants.

A breakout group relaxes with the founder of Koc University.


At the end of the day everybody was tired but happy :)

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